

Tozali TV here to fill a gap – Maimuna

Last week Tozali Television signed an agreement with Startimes network to air its programmes to subscribers in the 19 northern states in the country.

NGO trains 30 journalists on election coverage in Kogi

An international non governmental organisation, (NGO), Search for Common Ground, working on peace building and conflict transformation, has held a two

IPI back to roots for 2020 World Congress

IPI to celebrate its 70th anniversary at Columbia University, its founding location The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of edi

Female journalists must aspire to the top of media organisations – NAWOJ National President

Ify Omowale is the National President of Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ). She dwells on how the association has fared in the last 30

Journalists urged not to surrender online space to quacks

Those claiming to be journalists in Lagos State are in for a tough time as the State Council of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) said it would